
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The proposal Drama :Notes for Higher Secondary Exams

3rd part

Q.How is ‘the Proposal’ a great comedy?

Ans:-‘The Proposal’ is a great comedy. It is because of the characters and subject matter and how they behave. Natalya, Lomov and Chubukov fight over foolish things. All these create a lot of laughter. The verbal fights over Oxen Meadows and dogs are really full of humour.

Q.What does Chubukov at first suspect that Lomov has come for? Is he sincere when he later says “and I’ve always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son”?

Ans:-Chubukov at first suspects that Lomov has come to borrow money. Chubukov is not sincere in saying this. After some minutes, Chubukov starts fighting with Lomov over petty matters. In fact, he sides with his daughter in fighting with Lomov. He even abuses Lomov calling him with bad names. This shows his insincerity in saying this flattering sentence.

Q.Chubukov says of Natalya : “….as if she won’t consent ! She is in love; egad, she is like a lovesick cat..” Would you agree ?

Ans:-Yes, Natalya is in love. This is clear in her behavior when she knows that Lomov came to propose to her. When she knows it, she starts weeping; she calls her father to bring him back at once. He has gone out after the quarrel. She becomes hysteric.

Q.Find all the words and expressions in the play that the characters used to speak about other, and accusations and insults they hurl at each other.

Ans:-Natalya calls Lomov ‘rascal’, ‘The monster’.Chubukov calls him ‘the villain! The scarecrow!’, ‘that blind hen’ ,‘turnip ghost’, ‘the stuffed sausage’, ‘the wizen-faced frump’, ‘malicious, double-faced intriguer’, ‘pup’, ‘old rat’, ‘Jesuit’, ‘milk soap’, ‘fool’.Chubukov calls Lomov’s father as ‘a guzzling gambler’.Lomov calls Chubukov ‘intreguer’, Natalya’s mother as ‘hump-backed’, ‘back-bitters’, etc.Chubukov calls Lomov as ‘my precious’.Lomov calls Natalya as ‘an excellent house keeper, not bad looking, well educated’

2. Q. Sketch the character of Lomov in the play “The Proposal”  

Lomov is the central character of the play “The Proposal”.  He is argumentative by nature.  He belongs to a rich family. He boasts of his wealth and claims that Volovyi Meadows are his own. He suffers from a psychological disease called hypochondria. It is a state of mental depression due to unnecessary anxiety about one’s health.   Lomov is thus a person of poor health.
     Lomov is the neighbour of Chubukov. One day he comes to the house of Chubukov, a land owner. Chubukov has a daughter aged about 25. Her name is Natalyia. Lomov wants to marry her.  He is aged about more than 35. Yet he wants to propose to her without respecting the feelings of Natalya and her father. Meanwhile Natalya and Lomov exchange heated arguments for the ownership of the Meadows and the greatness of their dogs Tyer and Flyer.

     Lomov tells Natalia that he has health problems. He feels that he is dying. He falls into a chair and faints.  Natalya thinks that he is dead. She starts weeping and requests her father to call a doctor. Chubukov finds himself in a terrible situation.  Meanwhile Lomov comes to senses. He sees mist before his eyes.  Chubukov does not want to take any more chance to leave Lomov alone. He at once speaks out that his daughter is willing to marry Lomov. He thrusts Lomov’s hand to his daughter’s hand and gives them his blessings.


(More important questions will be uploaded on the basis of exam important...keep an eye...) 

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