
Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The proposal Drama :Notes for Higher Secondary Exams

1st Part Notes:

Q.Give a brief character sketch of Lomov.

Ans:-Lomov was a young, unmarried man of thirty five. He was anxious to get married as he had already reached a critical age. So he decided to propose a girl in the neighbourhood. Her name was Natalya, a girl of twenty-five years old. Lomov thought that she was a good housekeeper and was not bad looking. Further she was unmarried. Lomov was a funny character. He was suffering from palpitation. He behaved as if he were eccentric. He was so eager to marry Natalya. But when he came to propose to her, he started quarrelling over trifles. He quarreled on issues like Oxen Meadows and pet dogs named Squeezer and Guess. He even abused Natalya and her father Chubukov while quarreling.

 Q.Justify the title of the play The Proposal.

Ans:-The title of the play is 'The proposal' and it is a very apt one because the whole play is about Lomov proposing Natalya. Right from the beginning to the end of the play, the story revolves round a marraige proposal. Lomov comes to Natalya's house to propose to her but even before he does it, they both start fighting. As a result, Lomov becomes sick and leaves. Natalya's father informs her about the intention of Lomov and she starts lamenting over the loss. Lomov is called back and once again an argument ensues before proposing. Hence, we can say that the title is perfect for the play.

Q.Sketch the character of Stephen Chubukov ?

Ans:-In the play The Proposal Anton Chechov has presented three characters. Stephen Chubukov is one of them. He was a land owner who had a daughter named Natalya. He was a very quarrelsome man but had a habit of speaking politely to everyone initially. He welcomes Lomov in a polite manner and is happy when he says he has come to propose to his daughter. Chubukov was a man to be carried away easily and so when Natalya and Lomov had an argument he too joined in and insulted Lomov. Chubukov is projected as a loving father but a greedy man who is looking for a good match for his daughter.

(2nd Part Will be published soon...keep an eye on the page for regular updates on various kinds of Exams,and exam suggestion,content regular updated...)

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