
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the rising prices of essential commodities.: Higher Secondary Suggestive Writing Question Answers

A letter within 120 words to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about the rising prices of essential commodities.                                                                                                  [H.S - 2010]
Sub : Rising prices of essential commodities.

    I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow me a little space in the column of your esteemed daily to express my grave concern about the rising prices of essential commodities.

The prices of daily necessaries are going up by leaps and bounds though there is a bumper production of food grains this year. The prices of essential commodities like rice, pulse, fish, sugar, wheat, mustard oil, spice, kerosene etc. soared up beyond the buying capacity of common people. As a result, people of lower and middle-income group find it really difficult to make two ends meet. Irregular supply of essential articles from ration shops has worsened the situation all the more. Moreover, price-hike of diesel and petrol has contributed a lot to the price-rise of everyday necessities. The dishonest traders and hoarders are taking advantage of this situation creating an artificial crisis in the market. People are getting involved in anti-social activities for the bread of life.

It is high time that the Government should take immediate steps against the dishonest traders and ensure a steady flow of essential commodities through the ration shops.
                Thanking you

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