
Monday, March 19, 2018

Higher Secondary 2018 English Suggestion

Higher Secondary 2018 English Suggestion
Date of Exam : 29th March, 2018
Prepared By- Dipankar Sir,BA.Eng(H),MA(1st),9733368512/7980804112
The Eyes Have It
1.       "Then I made a mistake....... " who made the mistake? was there really any mistake? How did the speaker get rid off his doubt?
2.      "I wondered if my words had touched her, or whether she thought me a romantic fool. " Why did the speaker doubt that he might be thought a 'romantic fool'?
3.      How did the narrator try to flatter the girl? How did she receive his flattery?
4.      "You have an interesting face." who said this and to whom did he/she say? How did the person spoken to react? How did the speaker mend his/her comment?
5.     Describe the parting of the girl from the narrator in the train.
6.     How did the narrator and the girl reminisce about the scenic beauty of Mussoorie?
7.      What is the ironical twist in the end of the story ‘The Eyes Have It’.
8.      Describe the significance of the title of the story, ‘The Eyes Have It’.
9.      “She was an interesting girl.” – Whom made this remark? What was the impact of the speaker? Whom did he say this?
10. “The man who….Reverie”-Who is the speaker? What is the Reverie? How did the man break the reverie?
Strong Roots

1.       "His answer filled me with strange energy and enthusiasm." Whose answer had such impact? Who was thus impressed? What was the answer?
2.      What did Dr. Kalam's father tell him about the 'relevance of prayer'?
3.      What do you mean by 'fear-ridden vision of destiny'? What vision, between these two, should be chosen and why?
4.      Do you think, after reading Dr. Kalam's 'Strong Roots', material as well as emotional security is necessary in childhood?
5.      “Why don’t you say this, to the people who come to you” – Who says this and to whom? What is referred to by the word ‘this’? Why do the people come to the person spoken to?
6.       What has remained the routine for Abdul Kalam’s father even when he was in his late sixties? What does Abdul Kalam say about his emulation of his father?
7.      What did Kalam’s father tell him about the relevance of prayers? What was APJ Abdul Kalam’s father’s attitude to adversity?
8.      What do you mean by ‘fear ridden vision of destiny’? What is other vision? What vision should be preferred and why?

Thank You Ma'am

1.       What is the moral of the short story 'Thank You Ma'am'?
2.      "Eat some more, son". Who says this? What is offered by the speaker to the listener? What feature of the speaker's character is revealed in this line?
3.      "I am very sorry lady, I'm sorry". Who is the speaker? was the speaker really sorry? When was the speaker a changed person?
4.      What did the things that Mrs. Jones wanted from Roger? What did Roger want?
5.      Describe the character of Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones / Roger.
6.       Why did Roger not try to run away later although he had the opportunity to do so?
7.      Justify the title of the story ‘Thank You, Ma`am’.
8.      How did Mrs. Jones treat Roger at her residence?
9.      Social picture in the story?
10.   “Sweat popped out form the boy’s face”-Who was the boy?With whom he was struggling and why ? What is the result?
11.    First encounter with Roger and Mrs Jones./How  dis Roger try to snatch the purse?
Three Questions

1.       How did the enemy of the Tsar become his friend???? Describe it.
2.      How did the Tsar find out the answers to his three questions?
3.      What answers are given by Hermit? What answer Do you like most and why?
4.      What did the Tsar do to tend the wounded man?
5.      How did Tsar’s enemy transform to a loyal friend?
6.      What were the questions that had occurred to the Tsar and why did he need correct answers to those questions? How did he learn the answer?
7.       How Tsar spent the night at hermit’s place? After waking up, what did he see?
8.      What are the three questions? What answers given by the learned msn
On Killing a Tree

1.       How does the tree heal itself in the poem 'On Killing a Tree'?
2.      Describe in detail the growth of the tree in the first stanza of the poem 'On killing a Tree'.
3.      ''It takes much time to kill a tree. "why does the poet think so? Do you support the poet's view? If so, why and if not, show the reason.
4.      Write a note on irony as reflected in the poem" On Killing a Tree".
5.      "And then it is completely done" How is a tree completely done/killed?
6.      Justify the title of the poem ‘On Killing a Tree’.
7.      Describe in brief, the power and strength of a tree to withstand man’s cruelty.
8.      Why does it take “much time to kill a tree”? How the tree is finally killed?
9.      Describe the underlying tone of the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’.
10.   Describe the complete life cycle of a tree as depicted in the poem, ‘On Killing a Tree’.
11.    Man’s cruelty and violence to nature?

Asleep in the valley

1) What message dose the poem give us?
2) How does the picture of the soldier described the tragedy of the war?
3) Look at the word 'asleep'. What do we normally associated with the word? When does the reader recognize that the soldier is sleeping in a different sense? 
4. “A soldier, very young, lies open-mouthed” – Who is the soldier referred to here? Narrate in your own words how the soldier lies in the valley.
5. Justify the title of the poem, ‘Asleep In the Valley’.
6. Describe the surrounding where the soldier lay in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’.
7. What message does the poet want to spread through his poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’?
Humming insects
8.Role of nature in the poem.
9.Describe the valley.

Shall I compare Thee to a Summer's Day

1) What does the poet compare this young person to? Identify at least three qualities that make the peson superior to the simile.
2) How does imagery in the sonnet no. 18 help to express the thought?
3) How does Shakespeare treat the themes of time and love in Sonnet 18?
4.. How does Shakespeare compare the beauty of this friend to that of a Summer’s day in Sonnet 18?
5. How does Shakespeare establish the triumph of verse over time and mutability in Sonnet No. 18?
6. Discuss the central idea of the poem, ‘Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer Day.’
7. What does the poet mean by, ‘the eye of heaven’? What is the implication of the sentence 8.“And every fair from fair sometimes declines”- Explain
9. “So long as …….thee”- What is this refer to? who is referred by thee? How does this give life?

The poetry of Earth

1) What are the voices of poetry in the poem, 'The Poetry of Earth'? How do those voices show that poetry of earth can never stop?
2) Bring out the contrast used in the poem, 'The Poetry of Earth'.
3) How does keats present the cycle of season in the 'Poetry of Earth'?
4) Why does Keats feel that the poetry of earth is never dead?
5. What picture of summer is presented in ‘The Poetry of Earth’? How has it been carried on to the picture of winter?
6. Justify the title of the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’.
7.Summer season describe
8. Winter season describe.

The Proposal

1) Describe the Character of Lomov in the play.
2) Is Chubucov a sensible father? How do you know?
3) Discuss the reasons why the marriage proposal is important to all the character.
4) Write a note on the significance of the title of Chekov's play'The Proposal '.
5) How does Chekov employs irony to intensify his play ' The Proposal '
6. Why did Lomov think about taking a decision about getting married? Whom did he want to marry and why?
7. “Hurry up and get married” – Who said this and to whom? How did the speaker conduct the marriage of Lomov and Natalya?
8. Do you find the play funny? Write some supporting sentences, about your answer.
9. “Oh, what a burden, to be the father of a grown-up daughter!” – Who is the father? Who is the daughter? Why is the daughter a burden to the father?
10. Bring lomov back irony.
11. Describe the 1st argument
12. Describe the 2nd argument
13. How social Life portrayed in the play
14. Defects of the Two dogs

There are no suggestions from this section. You have to practice it from Your Text Book, Test Paper and Current Newspapers. Grammar section may contain Narration change, Article and Preposition, Error finding etc.

Letter Writing

1) Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your view on increasing violence against women in our society.
2) Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily expressing your concern about price rise of daily uses.
3) Write a letter to the Editor of an English daily about Sound pollution in your locality.
4) Write a letter to a store manager complaining about the goods which you bought from that store.
5) Write a letter to a store manager requesting to repair DVD player.
6) Write a letter to a store manager to exchange the wrist watch which you bought from that store.
7) Write a letter to a firm of booksellers complaining delay in executing an order.
8) Write a letter to the post master for enquiry about a missing parcel
Others Important:
1. Write a letter to the editor of an English daily expressing your concern about, High Price Rise of daily commodities / Global Warming / Problems of Loud Speakers/uses of Plastic Bags/misuse of mobile Phones / Strike in Bengal / Road Safety.
2.Write a letter to the store manager, requesting for repair of the TV Set / complain about the bad quality goods you purchased from their shop/inquiry of some goods price.
3. Delay of Postal Delivery, Missing of Mobile Phone, Missing of Library Card, Requesting Loan for a new business, bad conditions of roads.

Report Writing

1) Land slide in Kalimpong
2) Magic show held on your school
3) Annual function of your school
4) Blood donation camp
5) Bank Robbery
6) A plane crash
7) Kohli Leads to India into T20 final.
Others Important:
Annual Sports report on school magazine, Magic Show organized by the school, Tree Plantation Program, Farewell function of a respected teacher, Swach Bharat Aviyan, Safe Drive Save Life Campaign, Teachers’ day celebration, Road Accident, Blood Donation Camp.

Precis Writing

Practice from Test Paper

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