
Monday, March 19, 2018

WBCHSE English Brotherhood : Homage To Claudius Ptolemy

Brotherhood : Homage To Claudius Ptolemy

Q. Analyse the title of the poem ” Brotherhood: Homage to Claudius Ptolemy “.
Ans:-“Brotherhood”, the popular poem by Octavio Paz is about the unique and undeniable relationship that organically binds everything of this Universe. This bondage is created and managed by a superior cosmic force in this geocentric world system. When humans look out in the sky on a starry night, they are made aware of this bondage which makes them feel important as being an inseparable part of the system and they get rid of the feeling of insignificance. It is then that human beings find the worth of their existence and understand that the deep bondage of brotherhood organically binds everything together. The title of the poem thus seems to be appropriate as the poem makes one understand about the close knit relationship that binds everything.

Q. How does the poem ” Brotherhood : Homage to Claudius Ptolemy ” justify the poet’s homage to Ptolemy?
Ans:-Claudius Ptolemy was a Greek astronomer and geographer whose chief astronomical work ” Almagest “, is a mathematical treatise on the apparent motion of stars and planets in a geocentric model which was the model that was followed by the ancient Greeks before the Renaissance. The poem by Octavio Paz aims at searching for rhythmic correspondences in the Universe. In these correspondences the astronomical objects play an important role by fixing the destiny of man. The poem also refers to everything in the Universe as predestined and bound in the bondage of Brotherhood. This is much like the quest of Ptolemy who tried to establish a rhythmic relationship between the astronomical objects . This justifies the poem as Octavio Paz’s homage to Ptolemy.

Q. What is the central idea of the poem ” Brotherhood “?
Ans:-At the beginning the poem ” Brotherhood ” is a reflection on the apparent insignificance of human beings in this vast Universe. Later on the poet understands that the feeling of insignificance is flawed and feels that everything, however insignificant, is a part of the scheme of the cosmic force that commands everything by writing the destiny of all the objects that are a part of the cosmos . This understanding creates a feeling of brotherhood and one understands the importance of one’s existence, whatever the duration may be in comparison to the vast and eternal world. It gives us a feeling that we are all intertwined in history and that our life has a purpose and follow a rhythm set by the guiding cosmic force.

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